产品特点 抗冻 保护 Antifreeze protection 200mlX40瓶/箱 1000mlX12瓶/箱 With advanced production technology and sophisticated technology, it is currently the premier all-round multi-element nutrient regulator. The use of this produ
全水融 速效快 内含菌群 持效期长 促生根 补微量 The whole water melt is quick and fast. The contained flora has a long duration to promote rooting and supplement trace amount 物理性调酸+气化调酸+生物性调酸合结
PAPILLON生物技术型高端生物活性剂,促进作物生长。 分子的大小适合,100%可被植物吸收。产品功效好,植 物反快。有效促进花芽分化、提高高低温坐果、果实均一。 生物活性剂,荷尔
Red beautiful does not contain any hormones and does not add anything to prevent normal crop hair The harmful substance of breeding Red beautiful is a product with clear functions to promote maturity, uniformity and color modification Red be
PAPILLON生物技术型高端生物活性剂,促进作物生长。 分子的大小适合,100%可被植物吸收。产品功效好,檀物反快。 生物活性剂,荷尔蒙,平衡檀物生长,抗逆。 活化土壤、强生根、促
PAPILLON生物技术型高端生物活性剂,促进作物生长。分子的大小适合,100% 可被植物吸收。产品功效好,植物反快。 生物活性剂,荷尔蒙,平衡檀物生长,抗逆。改善土壤结构,有利于
产品特点: 全水融 速效快 内含菌群 持效期长 促生根 补微量 The whole water melt is quick and fast. The contained flora has a long duration to promote rooting and supplement trace amount 物理性调酸+气化调酸+生物性
产品特点 全哺型肥料 超浓缩、全营养型促进作物生长促进果实膨大 Super-concentrated, all-nutrient-based multifunctional foliar fertilizer. To cover the different types of crops at different times for fertilizer needs
产品特点: 快速调酸碱 抗重茬 生根快 预防根腐 茎基腐 死棵 缓解药害 抗冻机播生根 Fast acid-base adjusting and anti-stubble rootingPrevent root rot stem base rot dead treeAlleviates the medicine harm antifreezeM
产品特点 促进花芽 增强着色 调控长势膨大果实 提高产量 Balance nutrition and regulate growth. It can accelerate the rate of plant cell division, increase the number of cells, and stimulate endogenous hormones in plants.
14-6-35+TE/18-18-18+TE (遇酸变中性、遇碱变中性) (含共轭质) 适用多种作物的膨果期使用。 在作物膨果期有效补充能量, 解决酸碱化对作物根系的胁迫的影响。 (含共轭质) 适用多种
产品特点: 快速调酸碱 抗重茬 生根快 预防根腐 茎基腐 死棵 缓解药害 抗冻机播生根 Fast acid-base adjusting and anti-stubble rootingPrevent root rot stem base rot dead treeAlleviates the medicine harm antifreezeM